Exhibitor Services

Find below all information and order forms necessary to manage your on-site booth.

Exhibitor Service Manual

The online manual provides vital information to assist your exhibit preparation and provide a smooth and efficient coordination of services. Exhibitors can access booth construction services, technical booth services, furniture rentals and amenities, cleaning and waste management and other important information such as deadlines for ordering.

Exhibitor Service Manual

Booth Construction Standards

Static Load, Size
The handling of items inside the halls must comply with the maximum load of 3,500 kg/m². Vehicles must not park with their wheels on top of the channel covers on the floor or drive on top of them along their length. Warning: The ONLY crane trucks allowed inside the halls after 6pm on August 21 will be those of the Official Freight Carrier, as it has a higher cost due to insurance requirements in addition to the cargo

Maximum booth height and minimum clearance
If you are uncertain about this item, please contact Two L by phone: +5511 3197-0644. The maximum booth height allowed is 5m from the exhibition hall floor. Your exhibits must not exceed that height. Booths under the Blue and Red Halls’ mezzanines must not exceed 3.2m from the exhibition hall floor. In this case, that is the height your products must not exceed. Walls that exceed 2.2m facing a neighbouring booth, whatever your booth’s location, must be finished with a material compatible with the rest of the booth and carry no advertising. Booths that reach more that 3.5m above the Venue floor must have a clearance to neighbouring booths according to the diagram below:

Warning: No item or equipment may be placed in front or on top of fire hydrants or fire extinguishers, or block access to them in any way. If you need to place or build some feature next to these protection items, free access to them must be preserved and clearly indicated.

Raised flooring
If raised flooring is used, a 1m-wide access ramp is mandatory for wheelchairs, whatever the booth’. The ramp must be located within the boundaries of the booth area. Booths featuring a floor level difference of up to 20cm must include access ramps with a gradient of between 8.33% and 10%. The ramps must have a minimum width of 1.2m and be chamfered on both, with a free space for wheelchair users to pass 0.8m wide.

Floors of booths with water supply
If you need to have water supplied to your booth, its floor must be raised at least 5cm above the exhibition hall floor in the area with piping underneath and/or depending on the distance from the floor channel, when inside of the booth.

Glass walls
The maximum height for walls made of single glass panels is 3.5m, and they must be clearly indicated with safety warning tape. Above this height, only glass panels with Insulfilm-type safety film or panels made of polycarbonate, acrylic, laminated or tempered glass will be allowed. Warning: It is strictly forbidden to bore holes or apply paints, glues or other materials onto the exhibition hall walls, floors, facilities or other structures. No material or item may be leaned on or supported by walls, columns or doors.

Booth boundaries
Circulation aisles and areas neighbouring the booth cannot be used to store materials, tools or exhibits. All your trade show operations must be carried out exclusively within the boundaries of your booth. The high circulation flow of people during the show, the aisles and escape routes must not be obstructed by either fixed or movable features. If you plan to have queues or interactive features, they must occur inside your booth so as not to disrupt the aisles or the public’s convenience and safety.

Building a double-deck booth
Double-deck booths are forbidden in the Blue-B Hall.
Only island booths with a minimum of 100m² are allowed to have an upper deck, and its area must keep within 10% and 40% of your booth’s total floor space. Double-deck booths may be built provided prior approval has been granted by São Paulo’s Fire Department, by The smarter E South America management responsible for the project and, and by Aranda’s Technical Department, represented by Two L.
Approval is also conditional on the desired position in the hall and the total area reserved. Areas directly under the exhibition hall’s existing mezzanine cannot accommodate double-deck structures. Building double-deck booths require the submission of specific documents: a copy of the booth’s blueprints including floor plans; side view with elevations; a perspective view; and a structural calculation sheet on the upper deck with all technical specifications, indicating maximum capacity. The blueprints must be signed by either a CREA- or CAU-certified Civil Engineer or Architect, along with the Certificates of Technical Responsibility (ART or RRT) for both the booth and the upper deck, plus the electrical installation plan.
• The height of double-deck booths must not exceed 6m.
• Stairways must have a minimum clear width of 1.2m, not including the width of the handrail.
• The diameter of spiral staircases must not be shorter than 1.2m for public access or 0.8m in case the upper deck is used for storage only.
• A notice board with minimum 5cm-high lettering must be clearly visible in the stairways up, stating the maximum occupancy on the upper deck, both in terms of the number of people and the total weight in kilograms.
• For safety, in case the upper deck has railings facing the hall’s walkways, the deck must have a 1-metre clearance to the edge of the booth space.
• No glass parts are allowed on the upper deck. The only transparent materials allowed are acrylics, polycarbonate and the like. EXHIBITOR MANUAL 25
• The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards rules that upper deck’s load-bearing structural parts must be made of steel.
• The load-bearing structure must be dimensioned according to the load predicted in the project.
• Prefabricated steel structures ready for assembly through fitting anchors and bolts must be used.
• No cutting by welding inside the halls. If absolutely necessary, only small reinforcement or finishing welding services will be allowed, duly supervised by a Fire-fighter equipped with a fire extinguisher.
• Columns must be supported directly on the hall floor on 30cm x 30cm metal plate shoes resting on strong rubber slabs.

Overhanging structures
To book overhanging points, you must contact the Venue’s official supplier, Estruturas Aéreas, directly:
Email: atendimento@estruturasaereas.com.br | Phone: +5511 3865-1197 / +5511 96191-2900 EXHIBITOR MANUAL 26 Price per point: R$420 Weight allowance per point: 50kg

Overhanging features and vertical projections
Overhanging features shall be allowed only if they project over the leased area. Overhanging features over common areas or neighbouring booths are prohibited.

Wire ropes
Running wire ropes, steel braces or any connecting features across or over aisles, common areas or neighbouring booths is not allowed. Should your design require this, the matter must be discussed in advance with Aranda.

Booths partially under the mezzanine of the Blue and Red Halls
If your booth must include features higher than 3.2m in the portion that is not under the Hall’s mezzanine, those features must be set back from the mezzanine by at least 0.5m.

Visuals vs. neighbouring booths
You are not allowed to have any feature of visual communication (logos, images, graphics, etc) facing neighbouring twin booths. Only the facades can be exploited, regardless of angle or clearance, but limited to the configuration of the leased area.

Closing and visibility
Under no circumstance should any side of your booth totally block the view of the inside from the circulation aisles. Walling may cover only 60% of the linear length on each side. A maximum of 40% of this wall may be totally opaque; the rest must be made of transparent glass or acrylic or similar material, as long as safety stickers are applied. Alternatively, a set of perforated decorative panels, slats or hollowed metal
sheets may be used. This means that the remaining 40% of the linear length on each side must be totally open, both visually and physically. Also, whatever item is placed at the open 40% must leave a clearance of at least 0.5m from the booth’s outer edge.
For instance, a 10m×10m booth may have opaque external walls of up to 4m. If the external wall is made of some material or arrangement that does not cause a total visual obstruction, 2m can be added that limit, reaching a total of 6m physical obstruction.

Exhibitor Cockpit

The Exhibitor Cockpit is a password-protected area in which you register to submit your application as for one of our exhibitions as a main or co-exhibitor.
A part of the Exhibitor Cockpit is our Order Center, where you can book various marketing services as well as edit your data in the exhibitor list.

  • Post vacancies
  • Rent a press kit space
  • Request meeting rooms
  • Download individual exhibition banners for your online communication
  • Register for the free Membership Program

Please note that only the person who was provided as the main contact for the exhibitor will have access to the order center. Please send us an email if a change of main contact person is necessary.

Technical Floorplan

Please find the download option of the full technical floorplan below.

It includes all exhibitors and their dimension as well as all technical information on the exhibition halls.

Please figure out whether your booth is located in section A or B, which determines when your trucks will be allowed to enter the exhibition halls for the set up.

Sector A booths: August 21, 8am–1pm
Sector B booths: August 21, 1pm–6pm

Should you have further questions to the floorplan, please contact ThesmarterE_SA@fwtm.de

Technical Floorplan

We, as Organizers of The smarter E South America, support the initiative “MESol's Best Practices for Events and Fairs for the Solar Energy Sector”. Therefore we encourage our exhibitors, sponsors an partners to provide a positive and welcoming environment of respect between all individuals at the event, in order to ensure a safe environment for all. Sexist language and behavior should not be tolerated. The marketing activities should prioritize business opportunities in the sector and preventing attitudes that makes working at events more hostile especially to the participation of women.

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