Ruben Agulló Pomares

Job Title
Effitech Engenharia Ltda.

Mechanical Engineer (Universidad de Málaga, Spain). Master in Renewable Energies (Universidad de Zaragoza). 20 years of experience in Projecting, Designing and Construction of Solar PV (grid-tie and off-grid) and Thermal systems in different countries: Spain, Italy, Mozambique and Brazil. Official Certifier for the Agencia Valenciana de la Energia (AVEN) in efficiency buildings and installations. Measurment and Verfication Certifier (CMVP) with Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO). Auxiliar teacher in Sizing of PV systems in Specialist Course in Renewable Energies (2009-2010, Universidad de Málaga). From 2008 to 2011 was member of NGO Engineering Without Borders participating in development projects in Mozambique related with access to water and electrification of rural areas. Nowadays, Technical Manager of Effitech Spain S.L. (Spain, since 2006) and Effitech Engenharia Ltda. (Brazil, since 2012), both companies offer Engineering and Consulting services in Renewable and Efficient Energy systems with more than 2 GW of experience accumulated.

August 28, 2024Soil Treatment Results for Bifaciality Improvement in PV Plant & DC/AC Ratio and Pitch Analysis Based on Lcoe Otimization for PV Plants

August 28, 2024AC Ratio and Pitch Analysis Based on Lcoe Otimization for PV Plants

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