Electrical protections should be used in photovoltaic systems to prevent property and personal damage. The main ones are protection against indirect lightning strikes; against reverse overcurrent in photovoltaic modules and against arc flash. The surge protection device (SPD) and the fuses, specific for use in photovoltaic systems, will be presented with their physical and electrical characteristics, selection/sizing, and the installation mode in combiner boxes and electrical panels, according to technical standards and best engineering practices considering the inductive and temperature effects. The arc fault detector and circuit interrupter (AFCI) will also be addressed, which must be included in the inverter, as determined by a recent INMETRO regulation.
Engineers, investors, technicians and installers.
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01:30 pm - 03:30 pmElectrical protections for photovoltaic systems: SPD, Fuses, AFCI
Prof. Dr. Trajano Viana